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As an Eagle Booster Club member, you will be helping all West Craven sports teams achieve their best by funding critical equipment needs. Every dollar we receive goes directly into the programs.  In the 2021-2022 academic calendar, our goal is to raise $50,000 to elevate our sports programs and to give our kids the best athletic opportunities in Craven County. We want to promote school spirit by offering ways for all sports to participate, and to reward the sports that have the most participation. We have options for everyone to find a way to cheer on our EAGLES.  

1. Why is there a need for an Athletic Booster Club at all? Doesn't Craven County pay for everything that the student athletes need? Tax dollars that eventually end up in the Athletic Department's annual budget comprise a very small portion of the department's needs. The funds are used to cover transportation costs and coaching stipends as well as supplies like uniforms, balls, equipment, tape, field paint, scorebooks, etc. All of the operation expenses and equipment purchases are self-funded by the athletic department. These funds are a drop in the bucket to the needs of all sports, therefore a booster club is needed to offset some of these costs.

2. How does the Eagle Club decide which sports receive this "additional" funding? All student/athletes, regardless of sport, are a factor in the decision as to what is spent. The athletic director comes to the eagle club with a list of needs that have been assessed by his consultation with coaches and are prioritized as to the most pressing need.

3. Who determines how these monies are spent? The coach of each respective sport, in conjunction with the Athletic Director, bring the needs list to the Eagle Club. The Boosters do not determine what purchases are made within the Athletic Departments budget.

4. What other fundraisers does the Eagle Club have each year? Each year we will hold a Spring golf tournament as well as a winter reverse drawing.

5. How do I become a member of the Eagle Club? Can I join now, even though the membership drive is over? Anyone can join at any time by clicking the Donate now button below and choosing your level of donation. 

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